

What are Acne?

We specialize in treating different acne types, including teenage and adult acne, severe acne, and even acne scars.

Acne Removal is Easy and Safe

Acne Removal is Easy and Safe

Providers at Rockland Beauty provide a range of treatment options to help patients get rid of acne and avoid or mitigate potential outbreaks. We will take the time to thoroughly examine your condition’s root causes and devise a treatment plan to overcome these factors. Here are just some of the treatment services that we could suggest.

The Steps of the Procedure

We can help eliminate acne with these simple steps and make you look even more beautiful.

  • Step #01

    Acne extraction: To help clear pores, acne extraction can be recommended. This procedure gives the skin an extra boost by eliminating pore plugs (also called comedones) that prevent the skin from being effectively cleansed. With the comedones gone, your skincare routine will be much more effective, as any cleanser will be able to penetrate deeper and kill acne-causing bacteria.

  • Step #02

    Skin Care Regimen: In some cases, the patient's acne may be partially the result of a bad skin care habit. One of our methods to help you treat acne specialist providers will help you assess your current skincare routine.

  • Step #03

    Prescription Medications: patients with extreme acne, such as cystic acne, can require a more intense type of treatment that requires oral medication.