Cyst Removal

A cutaneous cyst gets semi-fluid material in it and is like a lesion forming a cavity under the skin. Though cysts are harmless, it penetrates deeply into the skin, appearing as sac-like growths. Their formation begins from the lining of a blocked hair follicle. Cysts also have many different types targeting different areas of the body.




Even though cysts can be left untreated for years, if the cyst is small, it can easily be removed with minor surgery without any significant treatment. Larger ones, if reach towards inflammation or infection, that’s when they get removed.


The process contains the small opening of that area of the skin to remove the contents and the sac of the cysts, called excision. The patient is put on local anesthetic and some stitches, which eventually get removed. Cysts reappear in rare cases, and if they do so, further treatment is needed.