Enlarged Pores

Enlarged Pores

What are Enlarged Pores?

Enlarged pores are the result of genetic or age factors. People having naturally thick and oily skin may experience larger pores. With time and age, sun exposure damages the skin in a way that it dilates the pores.

Enlarged Pores Removal is Easy and Safe

Enlarged Pores Removal is Easy and Safe

Even though they produce no harm, enlarged pores can be frustrating to the person. We have treatments from micro-needling to chemical peels that can lessen the enlarged pores.

The Steps of the Procedure

We can help eliminate enlarged pores with these simple steps and make you look even more beautiful.

  • Step #01

    Microneedling, also known as collagen induction therapy, is a facial procedure given for enlarged pores. When your skin is stamped with a microneedling marker, it causes micro-point punctures in your skin, most of which actually force your pores open briefly.

  • Step #02

    The body perceives this as injury, which triggers the release of growth factors that cause the development of collagen and elastin. Your skin responds to any damage by beginning a healing process. You allow your skin to begin to recover through this micro-needling procedure.