Hair Loss

Hair Loss

What are Hair Loss?

Hair loss is not just complicated; it’s saddening and leaves you with crying eyes. Hair loss has different types linked with different underlying conditions like stress, genetics, and many others.

  • Androgenetic Alopecia (Genetic Hair Loss)
Androgenetic alopecia is a term used for female and male pattern baldness, linked with hereditary hair loss.

  • Alopecia Areata
Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease characterized by patchy hair loss, leaving behind a round, smooth, and bare patch. It might appear as a peach-colored.

  • Telogen Effluvium
Telogen Effluvium represents temporary hair loss that brings about diffused hair shredding. It doesn’t cause scarring. This is a common type of hair loss and can be noticed soon after it occurs.

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Hair Loss Removal is Easy and Safe

Hair Loss Removal is Easy and Safe

Depending on the type of hair loss you endure, treatment can be a simple supplement regimen and go towards oral medication. Also, we do blood work to treat the underlying causes that trigger hair loss.

The Steps of the Procedure

We can help eliminate Hair Loss with these simple steps and make you look even more beautiful.

  • Step #01

    Platelet-rich plasma, also known as PRP, is a state-of-the-art treatment conducted in an office where the patient's blood plasma is supplemented with platelets to address different concerns and hair loss.

  • Step #02

    Science behind PRP Platelets and other human blood components move to the point of treatment as part of the body's healing ability. Platelets deliver a number of growth factors that contribute to tissue damage, which initiate which support healing. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is optimally enriched with a small number of red and white blood cells. PRP has been used safely in hundreds of thousands of treatments worldwide.

  • Step #03

    What's going to happen during PRP?
    1. A tiny amount of the blood is drawn into a vacuum collection tube containing a separating gel for a brief office visit.
    2. The tubing is put in a centrifuge and rotated to extract the PRP.
    3. The red and white blood cells are separated from the PRP and located at the bottom of the collection channel.
    4. The PRP that stays at the top is ready for therapeutic use.
    5. In some instances, PRP is issued on a topical basis. It is injected in some situations.

  • Step #04

    Characteristics and rewards
    PRP operations shall take less than 30 minutes. Just a limited amount of blood is needed. There are no international ingredients that eliminate the possibility of allergic reactions. The process is FDA-cleared.

  • Step #05

    1. Improves the presence of fine lines and wrinkles (may be injected or used topically)
    2. Improves the texture, color, and overall consistency of the skin
    3. Encourages hair growth in persons with hair loss disorders (recommended treatment series)
    4. Scar revision