Placenta Treatments

This treatment is based on the placental cells that help to stimulate those natural cells which are necessary for the immune system. It improves the normal functioning of a cardiovascular system, enhances calcium absorption, has an antioxidative effect, and stimulates new blood vessel formation




This treatment is not new; people have been practicing placental tissue therapy for decades. Chinese traditional medicine has been using the placenta for more than 5000 years. They claimed that this tissue could help with impotence, cure chronic diseases, reverse infertility, rejuvenate the body, and improve kidney function and liver function.


It inhibits cholesterol and lipid deposition, has a role in the connective tissue growth in the liver, regenerates cells, protects from alcohol, medicinal, or any drug intoxication.

It improves neurotransmitter activity in the brain cells and signals protein activity in the nerve endings. It also stimulates the central and peripheral nervous systems.

It targets the normal gastrointestinal tract working and enhances the absorption of nutrients. It has an immunomodulatory effect and heals the stomach and duodenal ulcers.

It improves regeneration of bones, cartilages, soft tissues, has anti-inflammatory effects, and enhances recovery after the operation.

It restores the standard hair structure, stops hair loss, and promotes hair growth. It has some role in the treatment of alopecia, seborrheic dermatitis, and psoriasis.